
37 Awesome things

January 25, 2011

Can I tell you something? Yesterday, I woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Good thing 3:30am is early enough to have your crab on and turn around your day by 9.

3:30 felt too early. (yes, I know…. it is.) My bike and swim and life went fine. However I got into the car and it read -5 degrees. I felt the need to phone up the weatherman and let him know….. you can stop at zero. If it’s zero just say zero and we can leave it at that. No negative five but feels like negative 10. And what is with the “futurecast”…. I thought that was what a “forecast” was.

Then I learned Luc’s school was closed. Awesome. Normally he can come to work with me. But this was the one day I had meetings all day long. With patients. I spent my swim and lift trying to figure out what to do.

I came home and awesome happened. My husband told me not to worry. He knew I had an unusually busy day. He would work from home. Ahhhh. The weight of the world lifted off my shoulders.

Every day I read a post from this guy. I have a few sites that I hit every morning for some daily mojo. I like this guy because he finds something awesome in each and every day. Most mornings I focus on what he finds awesome. It struck me this morning….. with this crab on I had….. could I find awesome?

So I started looking around throughout my day, awesome is everywhere. All over the place! So in honor of my 37th birthday….. I shall share with you my own personal list of awesome. 37…. for my 37th.

Awesome is:

1. When your husband works from home on a school snow day.

2. Grocery shopping alone.

3. Getting to lap swim at 5am and having an entire lane to yourself.

4. The elderly man in the gold cap whom I have a terrific conversation with every time I swim.

5. Downward facing dog.

6. My son setting his alarm for 12 midnight last night, then sneaking into our room to give me a kiss and wish me happy birthday. Then him telling me he wanted to be the first to say it to me.

7. Taking the day off on your birthday.

8. Looking forward to being sung happy birthday by a moose at Bugaboo Creek.

9. The pillow Luc made me in Home and Careers.

10. My husband fixing my computrainer handlebar mount.

11. Beginning the day at -5 degrees,  ending it at 26 degrees, and considering it a heatwave!

12. The smell of the fire in the fireplace that only my husband does right.

13. making homemade pizza for the boys and learning they fed it to th dog.

14. New Swedish goggles arriving for my birthday.

15. The LOST box set. Thanks Mom and Dad!

16. Loving all the jobs that I have.

17. That my dog is a loyal, obedient dog, although I didn’t train her.

18. The bag of undies I bought at breathe last night.

19.Ally at breathe making me a buccaneer tea with soymilk. The Ally special.

20. My treadmill!

21. The mattress heater I have on our bed, and how you can heat one side or both sides.

22. My tap shoes should arrive today.

23. I have qualified for Kona 3 times and had to balls to turn it down. Being content with that decision.

24. When people ask me if I know Rich Clark.

25. My new job.

26. Running in the winter, with clear roads and blue skies and a world blanketed in white.

27. That I have been hit by a car 5 times and walked away unscathed.

28. The fact that on Wednesday night my father and I will discuss the details of the latest local murder case.

29. I have not seen anyone die in 3 months.

30. Reading a chapter of the Magic Tree House book every night on the stairs with Luc.

31. My husband and our marriage.

32. Starbucks.

33. 10 years ago I became a Mom. It was the first day of the rest of my life.

34. When i said I do…… I meant it.

35. The amazing people I get to call friend.

36. Going to Luc’s school so he can buy me lunch today. With a prepaid lunch card that I paid for, as I am bringing him hotcakes and I will eat a cafeteria omelet.

37. I get to take another trip around the sun!


  1. Awwww Mary, HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY 🙂 I love your list of awesomeness. have an amazing day and a venti starbucks.

  2. This is truly inspiring! Mary, you are living your life to the fullest! Enjoy all 86,400 seconds of your birthday and everyday! Stefany

  3. That is an AWESOME list Mary! Have a wonderful birthday, and thanks for reminding all how much we have to be happy about!

  4. Mary, I come to your blog for my dose of happy mojo every day so I just wanted to take a moment and say thanks. It’s like taking an adbridged version of your yoga class. 🙂

    Happy Birthday!! Hope you have a fabulous day!

    • Thank you so much Jenna. no fair making me cry on my Birthday!

  5. most people would just give up and feel like crap for the rest of the day, instead of finding just ONE thing to feel awesome about. Look at you, overachiever 🙂 Happy birthday!

  6. 37 awsome things…#6 one TRUELY awsome thing. Well done. Enjoy!

  7. Happy Birthday Mary! If I had to come up with a list of awesome things about my life, I do believe finding you would make that list. Enjoy your day, and your tap shoes.

  8. Hey Mary, a most happy birthday to you. Next time I see you, I’ll have a little something I and you’d find very special. #38 I hit your blog for great words or amazing things daily and you don’t disappoint me 🙂

  9. Why were you wearing a crab?

    In all seriousness though–you are Ms. Optimistic and Sister See the Night Side, in one work-awesome.

    ENJOY YOUR BIRTHDAY! You earned it!!

  10. And by the night side….I clearly meant Sister See the BRIGHT side!!

  11. Love that Luc got out of bed at Midnight to wish you happy Birthday!!! So Sweet!!! You have alot of things to be greatful about! You are a great person Mary!!

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